Wherever possible, we offer our ministry free of charge, though any donation you would like to make is very welcome and helps us to keep the church here for the community.
There are some areas of ministry, around weddings and funerals, where by law we have to charge fees, mostly set by the national church authorities each autumn to apply for the following calendar year. Other fees (for example, to have an organist for a service) are set by the Church Council. The links below will give you full details, or please email if you have a question you can't answer here!
Summary of fees around weddings in Wednesfield (2018)
Summary of fees around funerals in Wednesfield (2018)
Full table of statutory fees for the Church of England (2018)
Please note that the fees which apply are those for the year in which a service takes place, not (in the case of a wedding, for example) at the time when it is booked. In general the fees rise in line with the rate of inflation each year.